When your flight is delayed, your travel arrangements get messed up. However, in a specific condition, you may be entitled to claim compensation, under the JetBlue delay compensation rules. The compensation will be based on your flight delay period and your departure & arrival airports. Here, you will get all the essential information about the JetBlue delay compensation.

JetBlue Delay Compensation Policy: A Comprehensive Guide

JetBlue offers compensation to its passengers if the flight is delayed or cancelled by JetBlue Airlines. It is not mandatory; you will get compensation depending on the nature of the JetBlue cancellation policy or delay rule . You will get compensation easily if your flight is booked directly by JetBlue Airlines. You will get an email within 7 working days after the planned departure. If you do not meet the compensation requirement, you will not be entitled to compensation. Sometimes, they will provide you with accommodation if your flight is scheduled at night.

How do I get JetBlue flight delay compensation?

If your JetBlue reservation meets the compensation requirements, you may get compensation from JetBlue Airlines. Review the below steps to claim the compensation.

JetBlue Delay Compensation Online:

  • First, you must visit the JetBlue Airlines website.
  • You will be required to log in to your account by using your reservation details and personal information. 
  • Choose the “Flight affected by the JetBlue Airlines that you wish to cancel or rebook your flight” under the “Manage Trip option.”
  • After that, click the “compensation” button. 
  • Select your bank account to claim the compensation, representatives will put money back into your account within 7 working days. 
  • Hit the “continue” button to finish the “compensation process.”

JetBlue Delay Compensation Offline:

If JetBlue Airlines cancels or delays your flight due to unforeseen circumstances or unpredictable weather, you may connect with JetBlue Airlines customer support teams. At the time of conversation, an airline representative will assist you regarding compensation. They will need your JetBlue reservation information or personal details.

What are the criteria for JetBlue’s delayed flight compensation?

During the claim for compensation from JetBlue Airlines, you must follow the compensation criteria. Let’s examine the delay compensation rules below points.

  • You will be entitled to compensation if your flight is within Europe.
  • All JetBlue passengers are eligible to get compensation if their flight is delayed, cancelled, or rescheduled by JetBlue Airlines.
  • If your flight lands in Europe from a non-European airport, it will be covered under the EC 261 provision.
  • To get compensation, your flight must be operated by JetBlue Airlines.

What is the JetBlue compensation for delayed flights?

Under the JetBlue delay compensation policy, the airline will provide its passengers with compensation. The delay compensation will be subject to terms and conditions. If your flight is delayed less than 4 hours by the airline, you will get 75 dollars and 200 dollars if your flight is delayed more than 12 hours. You may ask for compensation online or connect with JetBlue representatives. You may get compensation if your flight is within the European country.

Does JetBlue provide accommodation for delayed flights?

Yes, JetBlue Airlines provides you with accommodation for delayed flights. They offer you food, drink, a rest area and medical treatment if needed. JetBlue customer support team, within 30 minutes, will update you about a delayed flight, like your flight may be cancelled or changed. They will also update you on your flight via email, SMS or announcement. The delay flight accommodation rules will not apply to you if your flight is to/from Canada.


  • How do I get reimbursed from JetBlue?

If your flight is delayed by JetBlue Airlines under the JetBlue Delay Compensation, there is no need to take any action; they will compensate you automatically. If you do not receive compensation from JetBlue Airlines, you may contact their representatives. JetBlue will not compensate you if you do not meet the delayed flight requirements.   

  • What is the minimum flight delay to get compensation?

You will not be entitled to compensation if your flight is delayed less than 3 hours. The airline will transfer 100 credits if your flight is delayed between 5: 5-59 hours. However, you can claim 200 credits if your flight is delayed by more than 12 hours.       

  • What is the bottom line about JetBlue flight delay compensation?

If your JetBlue flight does not depart at its original time, you may take advantage of JetBlue Airlines. The compensation depends on your arrival or departure location.